
test région en italique

fin du test


test région en bold


test bug

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test [secure ftp sftp://test.com]


26 décembre 2011 à 18h35

2024-04-23 00:00








Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec a diam lectus. Sed sit amet ipsum mauris. Maecenas congue ligula ac quam viverra nec consectetur ante hendrerit. Donec et mollis dolor. Praesent et diam eget libero egestas mattis sit amet vitae augue. Nam tincidunt congue enim, ut porta lorem lacinia consectetur. Donec ut libero sed arcu vehicula ultricies a non tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean ut gravida lorem. Ut turpis felis, pulvinar a semper sed, adipiscing id dolor. Pellentesque auctor nisi id magna consequat sagittis. Curabitur dapibus enim sit amet elit pharetra tincidunt feugiat nisl imperdiet. Ut convallis libero in urna ultrices accumsan. Donec sed odio eros. Donec viverra mi quis quam pulvinar at malesuada arcu rhoncus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. In rutrum accumsan ultricies. Mauris vitae nisi at sem facilisis semper ac in est.

Feel free to use this page to experiment with the Text Formatting Rules. Just click the "Edit Page" link at the top of the page.

pm hdeaing 4

new test

New pm heading 1


New pm heading 2


New pm hdeading 3


— Sample dialog

Title level 1

Title level 2

Title level 3

Title level 4

Numbered Title level 1

Numbered Title level 2

Numbered Title level 3

(numbered titles are not displayed with number, but as simple headers)

below is a comment

above is a comment

For beautifiers we have bold and italic.

Double beautifier; with bold and italic is working too.

There is also underline, strike and monospaced.

  • This is a list of items
  • Just use hyphens
    • More indent opens a sublist

Two blank lines close all the lists.

  1. Change the hyphen by a plus
  2. And you have a numbered list
    1. Same rules apply

+ + An empty item closes the current list. (this behavior is not working)

Definition list

A list with terms

Start term with colon

And its definition follows :

(definition list is not working)

A quoted paragraph is prefixed

by a TAB. More TABs, more deep.

No TAB or blank line, closes quote.

(not working)

A verbatim area is enclosed
      inside three backquotes.
**Marks** are not interpreted
     and spacing is preserved.

(not working too...)

Verbatim line is nice for commands. This time it's working!

Code inside

test txt2tags table (use an even number of pipes) :

Table HeadingTable Heading
with cellnice!

A separator line:

And a stronger one:

(At least 20 chars)

More tests

remote image :

pmwiki style :

txt2tags style


  • bullet 1
  • bullet 2
    • subbullet 1
    • subbullet 2
      • subsubbullet 1
    • subbullet 3

remote image :

pmwiki style :

txt2tags style

[Link test</a>