Help / HelpEn

PmWiki is a wiki system for the creation and maintenance of websites.

PmWiki pages looks the same as normal webpages, but in addition they have an "Edit" link which helps to edit or add new pages on a website, with a lightweight markup language, like for

Based on PmWiki, this present system has some ready to use extensions and a simplified syntax.

The homepage and the updated source code are on:


The pages on this site are wiki-based pages, which means that pages can be created and edited by multiple authors. To edit a page, click on the "edit" link which exists somewhere on the page (generally at the top or in the footer). Some pages may be protected by a password.

In this wiki, the default password is "pmwiki". It is adviced to modify it after the installation (see below).

When you edit a page, you see the markup which describe the content of the page. The final rendering, with the choosen formatting, will be displayed only after the page is saved.

PmWiki and txt2tags are not WYSIWYG - When editing a page, you see the markup text that describes the content of the page. The basic rules for page markup are simple (you will find them below).

Editing rules (syntax)

The syntax of this wiki is following the general rules of txt2tags syntax, which you can find here as a reminder. The idea is you should be able to paste here your txt2tags documents without many modifications (explained in the second part of this document).

You can also try to add bits of the pmwiki syntax but some of it may be incompatible with the txt2tags one. If possible, try to stick with the rules explained below:

  • = Title level 1 =
  • == Title level 2 ==
  • === Title level 3 ===
  • ==== Title level 4 ====
  • + Numbered Title level 1 + etc. (numbered titles are not displayed with number, but as simple headers, they are here for compatibility purpose so you can reuse your txt2tags documents)
  • % : start a line with a percent sign and a character space before your text and it won't be displayed (will be added as a comment in the html code, so beware readers might be able to read them...)
  • For beautifiers we have **bold** , //italic// , **//bold and italic//** , __underline__ , --strike-- and ``monospaced`` : bold, italic, bold and italic, underline, strike and monospaced.
  • External links are made with [link text http://] , but wiki link within the page on this wiki are made using this syntax: [[WikiPage | description text]]
  • Use a leading - for creating a list of items, more indent opens a sublist. One blank line closes the lists.
  • Change the hyphen (-) by a plus (+), and you have a numbered list
  • Use ``` on the line before and the line after a verbatim area:
A verbatim area is enclosed
      inside three backquotes.
**Marks** are not interpreted
     and spacing is preserved.
  • Start a line with ``` and you'll get a verbatim line.
    • Verbatim line is nice for commands.
  • Enclose some text between `` and `` and you'll get some code marks:
    • Code inside
  • A separator line is made with -------------------- or ==================== (at least 20 chars)
  • You can add a table of content with the (:*toc:) command on a page.
  • Attach a file:
    1. You can either use the syntax Attach:file.ext when editing a page (if needed with the paper clip in the toolbar), then clic on the new link, which lead to the upload page. You must use an extension in the filename.
    2. You can also add ?action=upload at the end of the current page (for example HelpEn?action=upload).
  • Image gallery:

add Mini:list of your image01.jpg, image02.jpg etc

for example: Mini:image_sample01.jpg,image_sample02.png will become :

image sample01 image sample02

You can either copy first all your images in the /upload folder and list them all, or copy them individually using the method above.

  • Tables are not working well at the moment...

You can use double pipe ( || ) instead of single ones, and it should work, like this:

|| border=1
|| Test table 1 || cell 2 || cell 3 ||
|| cell 1 || cell 2 ||

will become:

Test table 1cell 2cell 3
cell 1cell 2

You can also use single pipes, but ensure they are in even numbers, like this:

| table | cell 2 | cell 3 | cell 4 ||
| new line | cell 2 | cell 3 | cell 4 ||

Complete syntax

For beautifiers we have bold and italic.

There is also underline, strike and monospaced.

  • **bold** : bold
  • //italic// : italic
  • __underline__ : underline
  • --strike-- : strike
  • = heading = (at different levels == heading 2 ==, === heading 3 === etc)
  • - list
  • + numbered list
  • ``code``
  • % comment (after % won't be interpreted)
  • [] :
  • [link to an external site] : link to an external site
  • | tableau | cell 2 | cell 3 | : will work in condition there is an even number of |
tablecell 2cell 3
tablecell 2cell 3
tablecell 2cell 3cell 4
tablecell 2cell 3cell 4
  • Visit txt2tags' website to learn more about the syntax, or use the buttons for quick formatting.

(included from HelpEnQuickReference)

Extension of the basic syntax, based on textallion

see for the textallion homepage

  • {//..} : Line break. You can also use the pmwiki syntax if you prefer: \\ or pass 2 lines.

This paragraph will be on one line.
And here is a new line.

  • { ~~ } text of image to be centered {/~~ } . You can also use the pmwiki syntax if you prefer: %center%

For images :

For text :

Centered text

  • Left floating of image, with wrapped text ( %lfloat% in pmwiki):

Wrapped text including image

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec a diam lectus. Sed sit amet ipsum mauris. Maecenas congue ligula ac quam viverra nec consectetur ante hendrerit. Donec et mollis dolor. Praesent et diam eget libero egestas mattis sit amet vitae augue.


  • Right floating of image, with wrapped text ( %rfloat% in pmwiki):

Wrapped text including imag

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec a diam lectus. Sed sit amet ipsum mauris. Maecenas congue ligula ac quam viverra nec consectetur ante hendrerit. Donec et mollis dolor. Praesent et diam eget libero egestas mattis sit amet vitae augue.



The normal pages are password-protected (to prevent spams from bots), in this case, use "pmwiki" as a password for editing pages.

You should also fill the "author" name with a nickname or whatever (the author name is saved through the session so you don't have to enter it again when editing several pages). It helps tracking the contributions.

Advantages of this system

Txt2tags is a document generator software that uses a lightweight markup language.

PmWiki is a lightweight wiki engine, requiring only php (flat file database, no need for sql) and easily extendable with external modules ("cookbooks"). It uses its own wiki syntax, but it's possible to use txt2tags syntax within PmWiki!

  • This is a modified version of PmWiki including:
    • the txt2tags syntax and a set of icons to ease the edition of the markup.
    • A blog engine, provided by BlogIt.
    • UTF-8 encoding
    • a nicer-looking theme than the original one, and a specific theme for handhelds such as phones (automatically detected)

Differences with txt2tags

For experienced txt2tags users, you may encounter a few differences with txt2tags:

  • Numbered Title level are simple title level
  • Pre and postproc are not working
  • macro (date and such) are not working, except for (:*toc:)
  • The table of content is displaying a leading |, I don't know how to get rid of it. You can't use named links and anchors with TOC.
  • You must have a blank space after the % for comment to be activated
  • one line break is enough to close the lists (instead of 2 in txt2tags)
  • Definition lists are not working well
  • A quoted paragraph is prefixed by a TAB is not working
  • Raw area is behaving like verbatim area
  • Tables are not working well
  • External links are working like for txt2tags. Yet, for wiki links you must use the pmwiki syntax ( [[WikiPage | description text]] ), otherwise it won't work.
  • It seems having several wiki links with description text, like the one above, on the same line, may display extra pipe ( | ). If it's the case, use a single line break, it will correct this and won't break the line in the rendered document (still investigating this problem).
  • if possible, avoid adding extra character spaces before setting headings (at the moment everything should work as expecting, but we may alter the current behavior in the future)
  • Deep sublists are not supported (level 3 lists should be the limit)

If you feel there are more missing features or annoying differences, please tell us, either on this wiki, or on the txt2tags mailing list.

Other features

Blog It

BlogIt is a cookbook for pmwiki, which allows to create blog entries. You can disable it in local/config.php if you don't use it.

Because of the use of the txt2tags syntax, the edit links for blog entries were not working properly. I've added a new menu above the Site Admin part, called Blog Admin. The only remaining glitch is when you list all blog entries, you can't edit them from within the page; you have to use the edit link on the side bar instead.

Other features related to PmWiki


You can add on a page (:redirect Main/NewPage quiet=0:) to redirect to NewPage, like on this example: HelpSampleRedirect.

Beware, if you add quiet=1, you won't be able to edit the redirected page by clicking on a link, you'll have to enter the URL yourself, for example HelpSampleRedirect?action=edit

To learn more: PageDirectives

Pages inclusion

To include a page in an other, you just have to write (:include Main/PageToBeIncluded:) to merge it in the first.

It's conveniant to create for example a "last news" page, like here:

Here is a news sample document. You can modify it and include it elsewhere (on the home page for example)

To learn more: IncludeOtherPages

Special attributes

To set a password on an individual wiki page, add the page action ?action=attr to the page's URL (address) to access its attributes. Using the form on the attributes page, you can set or clear the read, edit, or attr passwords on the page.

For example HelpFr?action=attr.

To learn more: Passwords


See this example (only viewable on the wiki): HelpFormSample

Social Networks

See this example (only viewable on the wiki): HelpSocialNetworks.


The current defaut theme, "literature", is using webfonts.

You can change the default font by editing local/config.php

To prevent to upload too many files on the server, some additional themes in pub/skins have been compressed, and won't be available in the default installation. To use them, just unzip them before uploading on the server.

Changing theme (for the user)

It's possible for the user to change the theme (using a persistant cookie) with the included cookbook SkinChange :

Just add somewhere (for example in the page footer) [[{$Name}?setskin=themename|New theme]]



  • Copy the content of pmwiki-efo on your server (with ftp for example). Get assumed the wiki.d folder is in read/write mode (chmod 777)

Visit PmWiki installation page to learn more about this process.

  • Edit local/config.php to modify the default passwords and adapt pmwiki to your needs (adding cookbooks etc.)

If possible use php5 instead of php4.